We believe that the traditional way of manually requesting ad-hoc quotes is a thing of the past. Data entry through email or mobile is tedious and time-consuming, and using multiple platforms to acquire quotes can result in losing out on the best price offers.
Through our smart template you can manually fill-in your quotation request within less than a minute. It is also possible to drag and drop your shipper’s e-mail request into our e-mail importer assistant and create your quotation request automatically within seconds. Unlike e-mail, this request is always accurate and contains all the right information on which carriers can quote. It is also possible to provide your shippers a personalized link in your livery which will allow them to fill in the right shipment information on forehand. This information will be visible in your quotation drafts.
After having created a quotation request, we will present to you all airlines that are suitable to handle your request and potential shipment. From our selection tool, you can choose to send your request to all airlines that can handle your request, pre-selected group of airlines (preferred carriers) or just to one.
Receive your quotes from every airline in an easy to view summary which can show you the possibility of each individual airline based on price, availability and capacity. This will enable you to select your desired carrier and add essential booking information such as: airwaybill number, shipper- and consignee information. Not chosen carriers will be automatically notified hereof. A final booking agreement can be achieved once a carrier approval has been established. This can be done by either FWB-message or as PDF.
All shipment related information such as: changes in the shipment, communication, remarks and initial shipment information are all stored under one shipment file number. Live interaction by means of chat with involved airline and dialog saving are possible as well. All this information is confidentially stored on our servers and can be retrieved at all times. This can be used for management information and reporting.
Our innovative and well-designed dashboard provides you a live quotation summary that is based on the amount of drafts, pending tenders, waiting on airline’s confirmation and already planned shipments. You can manage the activity per staff members, quotation requests per destination and requests per carrier. We can also provide you a personalized dashboard with your own desired parameters. Moreover, we manage your activities for you and present them in an management overview report. In a quick glance you can find out your success rate, amount of quotations, average price per airline per destination and much more.
From your rate database you can directly request shipments from the airlines containing your agreed contract rate or the airline’s published rate. From there, a final booking agreement with the airline can be finalized.